Flexible Dentures
The flexible dentures (Valplast) are being used more and more commonly for temporary, or on occasion permanent, replacement of missing teeth. These dentures are providing a comfortable and successful alternative to traditional acrylic dentures.Flexible dentures are actually made of a form of nylon first introduced into dentistry in the 1950s. Technically known as super-polyamides. The material is thermoplastic, meaning it will change shape under high heat so that it can be injection-molded into flexible denture bases to which replacement teeth are subsequently attached.
The flexibility of these dentures provides several advantages over acrylic dentures alternatives made of rigid, acrylic plastic resin. Flexible, nylon-based RPDs can look realistic, stay securely in place and be more comfortable to wear. Instead of metal clasps, they have thin finger-like extensions that fit or snap into natural concavities in the crowns of the teeth near the gum line. The flexible dentures also provides an option for cosmetic improvement of adjacent teeth that appear elongated due to gum recession: The realistic-looking, gum-colored base can be made to cover areas where natural gum tissue has receded (shrunk down) and partially exposed tooth roots so that flexible dentures provide a smile improvement and offer an instant aesthetic solution.
We, Denture Square look forward to fulfill the partial denture needs of patients who travel from Albany Creek, Alderley, Arana Hills, Ashgrove, Aspley, Bardon, Bald Hills, Bunya, Brendale, Bridgeman Downs, Carseldine, Cashmere, Chermside West, Chermside, Closeburn, Eatons Hill, Enoggera, Everton Hills, Everton Park, Ferny Grove, Ferny Hills, Kedron, Kelvin Grove, Lutwyche, Morayfield, Mitchelton, NewMarket, Red Hill, Samford Valley, Samford Village, Stafford, Strathpine, The Gap, Upper Kedron.
Please Contact us for more information about the best suit dentures for you on 07) 3189 7085 or email us on info@denturesquare.com . Then, We will be able to give you the best possible options.
Flexible partial dentures are very comfortable and also gaining popularity due to the cosmetic purposes as no wires required.
According to the statistics, flexible dentures should last 4-6 years.
The flexible dentures are also more lightweight and less bulky in the mouth but they are also more expensive than other methods.
If it is not designed then a partial denture may cause some wear and tear.
A dentist will generally recommend a partial denture when a patient loses three or more teeth next to each other.
A flexible denture is much more flexible than a traditional denture and can even last for a lifetime. All thanks to their flexibility, they will neither crack nor shatter if dropped from the hand of the user by mistake. The flexible denture has a more realistic appearance than the traditional ones because of their clear base.
Getting used to the flexible denture might take several days or weeks. It is recommended to take a baby step every day; this approach will help you to get completely used to eating with a flexible partial denture. Once you get comfortable with the denture, you can eat almost anything you want.