New Dentures

This is a very common question. Dentures offer a number of benefits to people who have lost their natural teeth: They can help them regain the ability to eat a greater variety of foods, speak more clearly, and smile with confidence. However, it’s important to recognize that there are also some downsides to wearing dentures.
For one thing, they put pressure on the gums and consequently the bony ridges beneath them. This causes resorption, a process that results in a gradual decrease in bone volume and density. Resorption and bone loss are accelerated if dentures are worn 24 hours per day. With the loss of bone comes inadequate support for the dentures, causing them to become loose and fall out more easily. This also results in less support for the cheeks and lips, which can cause very dramatic changes in facial appearance.
In addition, if they are not properly cared for, the under surfaces of dentures in particular can become breeding grounds for oral bacteria and fungi, which can cause odors, irritation and disease.
It has been found that those wearing dentures during the night while sleeping are more likely to have tongue and denture plaque, gum inflammation, positive cultures for Candida albicans (thrush, an oral yeast infection) and higher blood levels of interleukin-6 — a protein made by white blood cells that signifies the body is fighting an infection. Good oral hygiene among denture-wearers is very important and reduces the risk of serious illness.
We, Denture Square look forward to fulfill the denture needs of patients who travel from Albany Creek, Alderley, Arana Hills, Ashgrove, Aspley, Bardon, Bald Hills, Bunya, Brendale, Bridgeman Downs, Carseldine, Cashmere, Chermside West, Chermside, Closeburn, Eatons Hill, Enoggera, Everton Hills, Everton Park, Ferny Grove, Ferny Hills, Kedron, Kelvin Grove, Lutwyche, Morayfield, Mitchelton, NewMarket, Red Hill, Samford Valley, Samford Village, Stafford, Strathpine, The Gap, Upper Kedron.
Please Contact us for more information about the best suit new dentures for you on 07) 3189 7085 or . Then, We will be able to give you the best option.